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Baton Rouge Movie Theater

Film is simply another tool for a constructed reality, but unlike architecture it can influence someones consciousness without changing the physical environment. Film has the power to transport people into other worlds where the viewer begins to physically feel the emotions of the film director. Using architecture to draw people into a space that allows for people's imagination to take flight is the ultimate goal. Breaks in these spaces that provide light and a sense of "enlightenment" a time of reflection to understand the space that a person constructed within there own mind. This will invigorate the consciousness and encourage the user to test their boundaries of creativity by walking through a space that is progressive and contains different frames depicting the filters at which we see reality. These frames are altered or moved in order to depict this change and make it recognizable to the viewer.

City of Washington DC Museum

D.C. is a city of landmarks. New buildings must be cohesive and mindful that their significance is determined on their ability to fit into this category. Furthermore, the experience of awe-inspiring spaces is a repetitive characteristic throughout every museum and monument in city of Washington. This direct effect conveys the significance of a structure before the input of any other information. This sense of awe in the spaces offers a point of reflection for the individual to form their own relationship between the relevance of the structure and the city. Without this space the building can be deemed unsuccessful because the public has no chance to form a personal connection to the context of the building. This gives the museum an identity, essentially justifying why the visitor should explore the building.

New Iberia, LA Community Project

Envision Daberry was a studio in which we directly worked with the community of New Iberia, Louisiana. We concentrated our work around Hopkins Street a struggling community looking for improved infrastructure and a more efficient way of life. The studio was broken into two parts, the first part included studying a specific aspect of the city. My team of 3 tackled the transportation and came up with specific plans to improve the efficiency of movement in the area which included: a proposed bus line, a renovated train station, and a bicycle hire system. I also coordinated a design/build project for a recycled bike rack system that was installed in the local park.

The Roma Project

ACME Brick Design Competition

This project which was completed in my third year was a competition by ACME Brick Company. I was assigned to present a brick with unique characteristics as a possible new inventive way to use this typical building element. In my design I wanted to increase the brick's insulation value and at the same time decrease waste by using recycled materials. I also found brick installation to be time consuming and therefore developed an interlocking system that requires no mortar and can be easily installed. The final product was therefor named the Insu-Lock brick.